From Treviso to Mongolia: a 4 wheels adventure with the aim to raise funds on Cool Earth's behalf, the international ONG that protects Rain Forests from deforestation, fights against global warming, defend their ecosystem and promote its populations, creating jobs and working among them.
All funds raised during this race will be granted and managed directly by the forest’s indigenous inhabitants, the only true protectors of this territories. The ultimate goal is to put an end to the circle of deforestation, developing strong and free communities.
Luca and Giacomo, two young men from Treviso (Italy), really “OUTSIDE MIND” (out of mind and outside the house). Out of Mind, or how we would say in Treviso “fora de testa”, is what our friends and relatives started calling us when we first introduced to them this adveturous idea.
We can, indeed, call ouselves, a pretty “crazy wild” duo. We will, in fact, be racing on board of an old Panda from western Europe to the far away Siberia, promoting CoolEarth and its target to defend the indigenous inhabitants of the world’s forests and protect their tradition, history and incredibly rich biodiversity.